Saturday, January 5, 2013


so every time I say that I will regularly blog, it is a lie, so never depend on me. Maybe if I promise to be irregular and undependable, I will sub-conciously want to prove myself wrong and write something every day, but probably not. Anyway, I have a heap of things that I have made over this break that I need to post on here, so I will try.
This post is about lace trimmed shorts. I had this janky pair of black linen shorts that I think I probably stole from my sister that were missing a button and I rediscovered them in perfect conjunction with buying copious amounts of lace ribbon trimming stuff from Joanne's. So basically, this DIY is very simple: Get a pair of shorts that are boring and then buy some lace. Turn the shorts inside out, pin the lace along the inside hem, and then sew it on. EASY EASY easy.
Put pins in this way, if you are using a sewing machine, so you can just sew right over them . 

This is how I started pinning the lace trim onto the shorts. I think it's easier if you start at the crotch area and work outward. Just make sure you keep the same amount of trim inside (that you pin and sew) all the way around, so it's even. Some people measure it, but I think you can eyeball it okay.

So that is that! So easy. I will post pictures soon!