Saturday, November 24, 2012

Poor and Dirty DIY Welcomes YOU!

Hello People of the Internet!
I have decided to create a blog because obviously everyone on the planet needs, wants, and desperately desires to hear what I have to say about sewing disgusting rhinestones on thrifted sweaters, as well as every possible use I can think of for fringe trimming because I think it's amazing and should be on everything. Plus I basically need a venue to make lists of things I want to make, things I need to thrift, and many other lists. Because I love lists. Plus I wanted a blog to post pictures of pretty people in Columbus because I was doing it for a job for a while and they wouldn't let me take pictures of pretty pregnant ladies because it wasn't the "brand" which I understand on one hand, but on the other hand, No.
I also want to explain the name of the blog because I talked with so many people about it and I was like, "Oh my god, friends, please tell me if this name is offensive, will people think that I am calling impoverished people dirty?" and I was assured by many, that no I was not. But I just want to clarify that I entitled this "Poor and Dirty DIY" because I am, in fact, pretty poor and fairly dirty. Ask my friends - I have problems remembering to shower on a regular basis especially because my house is really cold and the consequences of being greasy for one more day outweigh the pain of stepping out of the shower into an icy bathroom. The name is basically a response to all of my beloved and beautiful favorite DIY blogs - all of them are so gorgeous and well-groomed and have these amazing, well-lit tables with artfully arranged lemon slices and one home-made, organic, local muffin glowing in it's own self-satisfaction because it is perfect and socially-concious. I love these blogs, even though every time I read one of their posts about how they had some spare Swarovski crystals on hand that they just made into a beautiful necklace inspired by the latest Lanvin collection or how they just happened to decide to paint the bottom of their brand-new leather Coach cross-body bag, I die a little bit inside. Not feasible. Sorry, but as much as many of us love to look at pictures of piles of freshly-cooked Nutella-sea-salt-milk-chocolate-brown butter-cookies or phenomenal manicures that took probably 5 hours, $20, and a lot of photo-shop, it's not possible for even the best of us. But I love to do shit like this! It's so so fun and doing fun things should be for all of us, not just the ones who have money and take showers every other day.
So this is a documentation of how someone who checks her checking account on a bi-daily basis and has a canister of "Prickly-Heat Mentholated Talcum Powder" that I sprinkle on my hair line on really dirty days decides to do fun projects that don't take very much money. Also, this is from Columbus,   Ohio whose options for supplies for these types of things are limited. When DIY sites say, just go to this beautiful, amazing, expansive fabric warehouse in the fashion district of L.A and sift through the remnant pile, I get MAD because Joanne's Fabrics is pretty much my only option and let's face it, it's become something of a wasteland of piles of flannel for those hideous knotted blankets that everyone seems obsessed with making. Sorry people who like them - they are soft, I understand why you make them (kind of?), but please let them become un-popular, PLEASEEEEEEE.
Anyway, I hope you like some of the stuff I hope to post - hopefully I have better luck actually posting on this thing. I have a lot of stuff backlogged that I plan on putting up pretty quickly that I've done in the last couple of weeks that involve large amounts of pearls, little baby white pompoms, tofurkey turtles, and plexiglass jewelry that I personally think is awesome but lots of people keep saying, omg, your arm looks like a mannequin! which I guess is kind of true, but whatever I think it looks cool.
I can't promise stuff won't look janky but that is sort of the point of having a fashion blog entitled Poor and Dirty.

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